Thousands of Berliners can hope for rental king


For thousands of Berlin tenants of the real estate group Vonovia, the rent is expected to decrease as a result of the rent cap.

Vonovia chief Rolf Buch said on Thursday that he expected his company to reduce rents for a third of around 40.000 apartments in the capital. This makes ten million euros less in rent per year. The Federal Constitutional Court has meanwhile received urgent requests from owners against the rent cap.

From November onwards, rents in Berlin must be reduced which are more than 20 per cent above the upper limits of the rent scale. From book data, roughly one per 60 euro less monthly rental per apartment concerned is calculated on average.

Vonovia announced that due to the rental key 2020 no apartments in Berlin would be modernised.

"Energy modernisation is de facto forbidden in Berlin," said Buch at the Bochum balance sheet presentation. But he does not expect rent keys in other German cities.

According to the Annual Report 42 241, Vonovia has apartments in the capital. For the largest German real estate group, the financial impact of the Berlin Act is relatively small. Rent revenues were close to 2,1 billion euros across the group.

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So far, three urgent requests have been made to the German Supreme Court. Until 23rd. In April, landlords must inform their tenants of the permissible rental height.

The housing offices have a lot of work to do to ensure that the rent cap is also adhered to. Employees are nowhere to be found.

The company had bought back privatized apartments in Spain and Reinickendorf. She had to take back the rents and now she's paying back money.

Berlin's landlords want to have the lease cap invalidated by the Federal Constitutional Court. At the German Supreme Court, three urgent motions have so far been made against the law, as one speaker said. The RBB had previously reported this.

The purpose of the applications is therefore to suspend the rental key until a final decision is taken in the short term. Because landlords have to keep their tenants until 23rd. Tell April the allowable rent and its calculation.

In February, Karlsruhe rejected a first hasty application by landlords against the rental cap for formal reasons. When the new urgency requests are decided, it is open.

Rental is first frozen on the stand of June 2019

The one-time rental key decided by the House of Representatives had entered into force in mid-February. After that, the rentals are first frozen at the June 2019 stand and may increase from 2021 up to 1.3 per cent each year.(徳囯ASK电容器)