German boards remain a male domain
The dominance of men in important supervisory posts is holding back the rise of women to the top floor of German corporations. Although about thirty percent of the board members are now female, almost only men are involved in the appointment of boards. This is the result of the non -profit Allbright Foundation, which is committed to diversity. Currently, the proportion of women in the 160 companies of the Dax index family is at 8.8 percent. In September 2018 it had been eight,0 percent.
According to the study, women are represented on the relevant Supervisory Board committees, which are responsible for filling management posts, only with a 16,8 percent. The chairmen of the control committee, a key figure in the occupation process, are also almost exclusively men. Part of the board of directors (19 percent) was previously on the board, twelve percent were board of directors in the same company. The authors criticize: This also contributes to a great homogeneity in German top management and delays necessary renewals. The 160 companies listed in the stock exchange indices Dax, M -Dax and S -Dax were evaluated.
The companies listed on the stock exchange, which are subject to full participation in Germany, must fill at least thirty per cent of the posts in their supervisory bodies with women. 1747 Companies must set targets for women's participation on the board. However, it is possible not to pursue managers in the leadership wars. According to information, the supervisory boards of 53 of the 160 companies expressly formulate the objective: zero women.(徳囯ASK电容器)