altmaiers "ki airbus" is doomed to failure
equally as the game the referee may not play, the state does not play, "said ludwig erhard in his policy speech in 1963 on the role of the state in the economy. much of his credo seems to be in the union today, but no longer to be left. the self confessed "defenders of the market economy to the referee a sweater. artificial intelligence, economics minister altmaier, was finally in a „ki airbus' european are developed. the dominance of american companies in this field needs to be completed.
technically, the supposed equation of aircraft and artificial intelligence abstruse. while aircraft clearly defined are industrial products, is a vaguely defined ai technology. it is the life of every man, but also the products and operation of each company to change. today, to ask what were the most of ci will be affected, is as absurd as if someone in the 18. century, the question would have what impact the electricity.
europe needs a state month, central body for the development of ci. on the contrary: artificial intelligence is already implemented by the company for its applications. start-ups and entrepreneurs, as large companies operate independently but connected, instead of a planned inspired company concentrates on.
in general, the washed after more heads of state than a market economy a worrying trend. the recent for the a380 airbus, the taxpayer could cost eur 600 million, once again shows that the government is simply not the best entrepreneurs. who is blind to the entrepreneurial skills of the politicians think looks in each problem state as a solution.
the track record of the state of grossly exaggerated. too easy to forget the dreadful situation of state projects such as the berlin airport, hamburg elbphilhamonie or his try in the solar industry to take root. the policy is not reasonable, the construction of an airport to manage and serious now, future technologies to define and develop? as it is, think only mr altmaier.
innovationspower instead of five year plan
no politician has google, amazon, facebook or microsoft by a regulation of the talentmagneten. nor are politicians for decades of global dominance of german car companies responsible. a five-year plan of a politician is a measure with innovationspower start-ups. who is online function of the electronic identity card or private enterprises compared to know why the government should separate as innovative markets.
visionary, inventor and thinkers have the country's prosperity. they build technology, our lives easier and design products that we love. it is our role as politicians, the right framework for the fortschrittbeschleuniger the future, not in the market, the competition among them.
the policy is necessary to create a framework
finally, the production of enemy abroad hardly conducive. instead, the policy framework required to enable enterprises in germany, artificial intelligence can develop. why are the centres of daimler and bosch for autonomous driving in california and not in baden wuerttemberg.
instead, according to the precautionary principle in each technology, first of all, the risks to consider, to be grasped the opportunity. innovation is not prohibited or regulated, before all the negative effect can be completely negated. we did the opposite: regulate and brake, then subsidies through steuerzahlergelder lenkend to intervene again.
talents through a culture tie
we call for a innovationsprinzip for germany and europe. only in this way can a culture be initiated in order to bind talent here. as long as bestellknöpfe banned in germany, we should not be surprised that there is no german amazon ". as long as politicians look at algorithms as witchcraft, they are also not well developed here. as long as the minister to intervene in the market, innovative start ups the market away.
the state must ensure that a resourceful entrepreneur have the opportunity to drive innovation, rather than in the feet to grätschen. he must mannschaftstrikot sail and return to the arbitrator, however.(徳囯ASK电容器)