50 years of bmw plant: spandau, you old model.
bmw plant in berlin (2300 employees) are you planning a little ceremony, music, bulettchen, etc. sommerfete? well, the bowl with the times will be a little bigger, because bmw celebrates 50 years in spandau, in the autumn of 1969 was the first motorcycle is put together; in april 2019 is the dreimillionste from the tape.
not only that but is 2019: all bmw works of spandau until south africa were at the karl monz foundation application. karl monz previously belonged to bmw top management had no offspring, and distributed the assets on its foundation. got the idea from 2019). werkssprecherin romy ertl said now the spandau - newsletter of the region: "we support the christopher hospice association. there's a donation of eur 25 000, which is a kindertrauergruppe is established. the hospital is located in kladow on the klinikcampus havelhöhe.
well, if companies choose specifically in the table. bmw also supports the new school in the old town spandau, with 8000 euros and, above all, with know-how, "says ertl in bmw plant. the spandauer university to gabriele fliegel (head of the „wirtschaftshofs spandau. founded in 1949, 320 companies) had found a partner in winter, a university in bangkok. "we have close connections to thailand and even a work," says bmw woman ertl. even princess maha chakri sirindhorn was already in haselhorst and is on the site of the dual training system to explain, bmw has 80 students. spandau, you old model.(徳囯ASK电容器)