"we ride a bike a ferrari afterwards"

mr eigenthaler, news of the steuertricksereien accumulate. ex national team jens lehmann, but investors are very creative in steuernsparen was. where do these things and more, with investors or football players?

in football players are often fake data to the residence, not right to where taxes need to be paid. the capital market is, however, as in the rabbit, and the hedgehog. we run the development ever after. there are always new steuersparmodelle invented. we like both, but more difficult to tackle, the finanzmarktsektor.

you need experts from the financial sector to the tricksern to get on the track?
these cases are very time consuming and difficult to read. much is in abroad. a doctor would be called a intensive care, but we are actually to the treasury for general surgery properly equipped and are glad if we can edit the normal returns to some extent. taxman and audit are hopelessly overloaded. to medium-sized farms we send every 15 years an audit. this is the opposite of equity. we ride a bike a ferrari behind.

that doesn't sound very optimistic.

the white - collar crime is not in control. it is supported by a well paid beratungsindustrie, such models up to. in fact, we come to the affected only on the trace, if someone talks and with the tax authorities to cooperate.

how can this change?
we need greater international cooperation, with residences chicanery not so easy. the data exchange needs to be improved. we take the steuergeheimnis very seriously, but the benefit of a few in order to beat the bushes. without data, without international cooperation and as long as the states mutually undercutting, we cut all of us into their flesh.