for fast mobile fingerhakeln
an alliance of trade associations, the german federal network agency on friday urged the procurement principles for future mobile communications standard, and unconventional approaches to improve 5g to consider. the aim was a powerful internet, this must not only in d he town, but also in the country widely available, called association of chambers of industry and commerce, system, farmers and landkreistag. the netzagentur presented the final draft of the proposed auction in the coming year.
the netzagentur in september draft for fierce criticism. thus, in the auction for the successful tenderer until 2022 edition, at least 98 percent of households with at least 100 megabits per second in the downlink to provide ". a comprehensive upgrading of 5g technology currently is „unverhältnismäßig expensive, "said behördenchef jochen homann.
the requirements of increased
the netzagentur announced on friday that it had given the criticism of the conditions is increased. now not only have to 98 per cent of households per region until the end of 2022 will be supplied. the constraints include the supply of rural roads, waterways and railways. they are thus until 2024 with at least 50 megabits per second will be supplied. in return for these more stringent requirements for the successful bidder, the netzagentur the possibilities for cooperation between operators and strengthen mutual credit the care provided. "the economic burden of companies in order to be maintained. 'a particular point is the so-called national roaming, so that customers of a supplier in funklöchern the cell connections of competitors can use. this is the netzagentur companies continue not to prescribe. she says now, but cooperation in areas where the development by a single operator economically unattractive, and imposes on them a „verhandlungsgebot ".
with the successful tenderer also competitors on the mitnutzung of funkkapazitäten negotiate, said the authority. the alliance of business associations, on friday, an auction in two stages: first, to take lucrative areas confirms it with 5g supply only then would the lucrative areas of an auction. the fees for the bidder then reclaim, and depending on how much you care not for the more lucrative areas must invest.
the german federal network agency has the final details for auction of spectrum for new mobile communications standard 5g). the auction is scheduled for spring next year and will continue for several weeks.
what will be auctioned?
there are frequencies in the 2 gigahertz band and 3.6 gigahertz band on the allocation. both spectra are not for a supply of suitable in the area: the frequencies provide a high capacity but can only relatively small geographical areas. until the end of 2025 frequencies usable, particularly suitable for the flächenversorgung. the award is 2021 / 22 to be decided.
moreover, in a separate application process additional frequencies in the range of 3.7 - 3.8 gigahertz and 2.6 gigahertz for local uses of funds. in the bonn office allow firms separate networks, for example, to fabrikgeländen build around their machines to connect.
who is?
when is that leader deutsche telekom, the number two in germany, vodafone, and the third network providers, telefonica germany, in the auction process. first of all, was open whether the internet and mobile internet, for the first time, their frequencies by united efforts. his interest was mr ralph dommermuth repeatedly in the past and signaling.
the revenue is expected.
at the last major umts in 2000 ended up at around eur 50 billion in treasury. this time will be significantly lower amounts of flow. the final draft was substantially reduced, according to german federal network agency include min. to proportionality. it is also the requirement of the highest bidder. who is awarded the contract, 65 banking days later transfer. the revenue accrues to the federal government, eventually, in the digitalfonds.
what is for?
the draft provides for a duty to supply only in connection with 5g. all operators of 1000 5g - base stations set up. this requires the netzagentur until 2022 dieversorgung of at least 98 per cent of households per region, the article, the main trunk roads, as well as the main rail with a transmission rate of at least 100 megabits. by the end of 2024 operators have, among other things, this time, all other federal roads.
what can 5g?
5g is datengeschwindigkeiten allowing at least 100 times faster than the current 4g networks and for very low reaction times. in addition, no interruptions during transmission of fear. these are conditions which are necessary for future technologies, such as the autonomous drive, virtual reality and industry 4.0.
when is the first 5g applications expected?
this is not - at least in germany for years. first of all, the right to apply for being auctioned spectrum in most cases until 2021. in addition, there are few devices on the market. however, work on it, among other things, smartphonehersteller with pressure for the next year first 5g mobile ready to.
what is germany in international comparison.
other developed countries are much further. in the united states starts next week, the first auction of commercial 5g and 5g projects are already being tested. such experiments are japan and south korea next year, china in 2020. south korea was 5g networks at the olympic games used to autonomously moving buses to use video to ensure.(徳囯ASK电容器)