siemens shares billion mission in iraq is expected to not

siemens ist im the ring my them us competitor general electric (ge) um ein billions - geschäft im iraq a entscheidenden schritt vorangekommen und kann sich weiter hoffnungen machen. vertreter des miinchner konzerns technologie - und des irakischen elektrizitätsministeriums unterzeichneten eine absichtserklärung on the ausbau there irakischen stromkapazitäten. the dies teilten die regierung in baghdad und das deutsche unternehmen am sonntag my.

siemens - boss joe kaeser twitterte am sonntag, you habe eine richtungweisende absichtserklärung unterzeichnet und wolle auf the gebieten energieversorgung gesundheit und ausbildung zusammenarbeiten. siemens up im iraq elf gigawatts an zusätzlichen kraftwerkskapazitäten aufbauen.

ge teilte ebenfalls my, eine absichtserklärung my there irakischen regierung unterschrieben zu have. die pläne there american seher. demnach sogar a ausbau von 14 gigawatts und die schaffung von bis zu 65000 arbeitsplätzen our. wann eine entscheidung endgültige ber die vergabe fällt ist noch bislang unklar.

there erfolg for siemens hats our allem in the fog zuvor auf there gestanden tipping. die „financial times "hats von erhöhtem druck there the united states auf die regierung in baghdad berichtet. unter anderem - waffenlieferungen versprochen worden. there finanzdienst bloomberg schrieb, ranghohe vertreter there u.s. - regierung not ministerpräsident haider al abadi gewarnt, die beziehungen zwischen the reproductibility zu riskieren falls there auftrag on siemens gehen was to.

but the german side had done a great job. only a few weeks ago was ceo joe kaeser, together with the parliamentary state secretary in the federal ministry of economic affairs visited iraq to personally for the project to promote. in addition to the creation of thousands of jobs promised siemens also support the fight against corruption, as well as in the training of iraqis and the construction of schools and hospitals. all these are key elements for the construction of a new iraq, to help kaeser said at the signing of the memorandum of understanding.

although iraq is one of the most oil-rich countries in the world, the world is suffering the population under the poor supply of electricity. in particular, if the iraqis during the hot summer months, with temperatures up to 50 degrees on all air conditioning is constantly the power. since the fall of saddam hussein in 2003 langzeitherrscher failed all governments, to greatly improve the situation. one of the main reasons: the rampant corruption.

the frustration of iraqis on the lack of nutrients, including water and other public services - erupted in protests in recent weeks. in basra, in the south and center of the iraqi oil production, the people on the street. in clashes with security forces there were dead and injured.

siemens also has treaties with egypt

of the 11 gigawatt contract runs for four years. according to the company, there are about half of the current electricity generation capacity in the country from war heavily subscribed.

it is in just a little more than two years of the second project, the siemens in the middle east for his kraftwerksparte pulled ashore. a few months ago, in egypt, the group completed the building of three new gas and steam turbines, with a generating capacity of 14.4 gigawatts - only about two years after the contract with a volume of eur eight billion had been received. this was a good advertisement for the current project.

the kriselnde kraftwerkssparte munich should benefit. overcapacity in großturbinen and general structural change in the energy to do the business to create renewable sources. in order to save costs, the banks agreed with the works council and the ig metall, the reduction of approximately 6900 agencies worldwide, approximately 2 900 of them in germany.

if iraq deal in circles is a high single digit billion amount of speech that changes, however, is questionable. the board is seeking between the subjects and jobabbau due to separate. the agreement with the workers was, despite the iraq business, said director of personnel janina ball a few weeks ago. the system also acknowledged that the new mission of the adverse long-term development should not stop.

for the defeat in iraq is likely to aggravate the problem. a former leader and figurehead of the us economy, the company is due to these and other difficulties have been in free fall. recently, over 125 years old u.s. industry icon their unsuccessful bosses john flannery of the door - it was the second chefwechsel in just 14 months.

obviously now urging the policy but the decision of the iraqis for siemens does not prevent. the federation of german industry (bdi) was harsh criticism of the interference from washington. "this kind of enforcement of the „america - first" doctrine in the world competition of multinational companies is not acceptable, "says ceo joachim country in the world on sunday.
it had previously in this article, said siemens had the us rival and blinded. later, but it was announced that siemens commissioned the shares. the article has been corrected.