"berlin is growing like crazy"

the berlin economy develops increasingly dynamic. the indicator for the current assessment of positive and negative assessments of subsidies, is compared to the spring by six points. 95 per cent of the company assess your situation now as well, or at least satisfactory. the recent business surveys of chamber of commerce showed and chambers of commerce and industry (chamber of commerce) in more than 1200 enterprises. the results were presented on wednesday.

the craft, the business confidence indicator, with 139 points, a record. 66 percent of firms reported good business, only five percent of the respondents complained of a slow orders. " activity in the crafts sector is how the summer this year, the sunshine in the skies of berlin just won't stop. the results and expectations as well as ever ", was the chief whip of the chamber of commerce, jurgen wittke, in the presentation of the konjunkturberichts." the construction sector is booming, and is one of the konjunkturmotoren this city. berlin is a building site, and that is a good thing, "said the handwerksgeschäftsführer." the city's growing like crazy.

similarly, jan eder, chief executive of the chamber of commerce. " the companies and their markets are growing rapidly. this applies to the majority of enterprises and industries, with the exception, perhaps, of the retail trade, where it "cyclical headwinds." in contrast, the situation in the hotels and restaurants, including tourism. over 70 percent of the enterprises in the accommodation sector benefited from the warm and long summer. the shares are also at a high level. and 87 percent of the companies want to keep their staff at least constant eight per cent want additional workers and only five percent of the hotels and restaurants are a declining workforce in the next few months.

the situation is particularly good on the construction: 80 percent of companies reported here of good shops, only one percent of the companies is bad. in view of the very good economic conditions, some companies have started to doubt that the future can be further improved, the expectations fell slightly and the balance of positive and negative assessments of drops by eight to 15 meters.

for all sectors, the situation on the labour market, the greatest risk for the future. 74% of the surveyed enterprises see the fachkräftmangel as risk for further business development, last year there were, however, only 62 per cent. this is an bottleneck in commercial real estate. " these effects add up in the medium term, the recovery and endanger our city, "said eder. the senate must invest more in infrastructure and education, maintain and develop space. " otherwise, the konjunkturboom has its limits, "said the chamber head.

in the trade have the assessments of the situation for the second time in a row slightly worse. accordingly, decrease the investment plans. the industry is in unruhigere times, the structure of employment is expected to slow down, "says the report on short-term economic development.
the last good performance of exports will be undermined by the forthcoming withdrawal of the british from the eu. the brexit is a priority for the berlin economy, "said eder. britain was for the berlin industry an important trading partner. last year the city exported enterprises 644 million euro in the united kingdom.