the minister and the batteriezelle

on peter altmaier they say strange things. the energy company rwe have for a lot of money for a batteriezellenfabrik promise if rwe in exchange faster than previously planned from the discharging energy and, of course, the hambacher forest intact, it is in the vicinity of the kohlekommission d he federal government. the body is a ausstiegsfahrplan design until mid december and the specific situation of the lausitz into account. there's a billion euro altmaier in state funding for a zellenfertigung available. alone: who runs the facility?

the battery is the most valuable part in electric car

the issue of batteriezelle from german hand employed by the government for years. the value chain in the german car industry in scooters era closed to hold the policy is a zellenfertigung around here. the battery is more than a third of the value added in the stromauto, and in the core of the battery is, in turn, the batteriezelle. more than half a billion euro over the past 12 years of public funds in the batterieforschung flowed, and only just has the ministry of research (bmbf) eur 16 million for a new competence clusters festkörperbatterien provided. in this technology, in the second half of the next decade, the currently predominant lithium-ion battery could take the place of, a solid rather than a liquid elektrolyts used. "in the electromobility significantly higher ranges of about 500 km, and faster load minutenbereich at higher security be achieved 'in england.

a forschungsfabrik is planned

this is the future. as well as the forschungsfabrik, for the federal government in the next few years, wants to spend up to eur 600 million. with about 200 people will be in the highly automated factory new batteriezellenformate are developed and manufactured. now apply the research centre half a dozen provinces.

it happens so much on the political and institutional. what is still missing is an industrial zellenfertigung. the automaker from milliardeninvestition and show to the suppliers. in turn, the world's largest supplier of bosch, the automotive industry, is the zellforschung quit several months ago. the stuttgart wanted eur 20 billion, according to bosch information would be needed with the asian zellherstellern at least equals to compete, not investing. the number two, continental), no later than the mid year 2019 to decide what and how and with whom in the zellfertigung boarded. obvious is the rio de janeiro on saturday neighbor vw. maybe in the lausitz. in the region in the east a industrial cluster emerge as the zellchemie basf concentrated on location schwarzheide, and vw's factory in zwickau. the manufacturing facilities of the electric range. vw wants to so many electric cars by 2025 to build that the capacity of four major factories needed. in the united states, vw has a three digit million euro in the company put on the quantum of scape, festkörperbatterie researches.

catl builds in erfurt

a plant for the lithium ion battery cells is the basis for the chinese group catl 2019 near erfurt. this was a mission of bmw, for 1.5 billion to buy the munich in the next few years catl cells. it is bmw for 200 million euro a single centre of excellence, at least the cell technology in control. it happens with daimler. ceo dieter zetsche is a failed zellenfertigung in saxon kamenz, 2015 had been recruited in the bone. in the company (and political), there is the expectation that zetsches retirement next may, successor to the topic again runs and mercedes for the electric member.

terra e wanted to invest four billion

a big plans a year and a half ago launched consortium is in failure. about 20 german machinery and engineering companies, zellverarbeiter and had a year and a half ago, under the name terra e come together to build a factory. with around four billion euros until 2028 a capacity of 34 gigawatt hours to be built, that would for 650, 000 cars. in the end, none of the parties wanted money, terra e is now, and the companies hope again to the policy.

on 13. november altmaier present

to peter altmaier. on 13. november the ministers present a new consortium. this time, however: varta microbattery. the company of the swabian alb is ranks among the world market leaders in hearing aids and kopfhörerbatterien and now wants to step to the largest battery cells for autoakkus car. according to reports, together with the cologne ford werke. both companies want to say anything about it. "we are, however, a large zellproduktion for the future," says a spokesman for the purpose. after all.(徳囯ASK电容器)