thyssen krupp is a division of the company

Just a quarter after the resignation of ceo heinrich thyssen krupp hiesinger plays a strategic reorientation. the options belong to a separation of geschäftsteilen, said several persons familiar with matter on thursday, the news agency reuters. a decision could have on the weekend. " it's all in the river. there are several variants, "said an insider. the group rejected the opinion. thyssen krupp is under pressure from investors such as the two major shareholders cevian and elliott, the more return on demand. the shops include stahlsparte of equipment, materials, spare parts, elevators and marinesparte with the u - bootbau.

Hiesingers successor guido kerkhoff had announced the business profitable industry. " for all of us is: in the future, we need to clearly make more money than previously, "he wrote in a reuters this mitarbeiterbrief. however, it is unclear whether the long-time cfo and familiar hiesingers at the group head is here to stay. he was appointed to the board of the structured process to find a successor to dr. heinrich hiesinger completed. "a few days after hiesinger was also aufsichtsratschef ulrich lehner resigned. his successor is also still unclear. several candidates were cancelled.

The stock moved sharply

The stock market rose sharply to thyssen krupp shares were up by 9.1 per cent in the dax top. " the news has been the stock new imagination to come, "said a trader." the hope of this step, the value of the company would increase was partly because of the leadership in the company ausgepreist again. "another dealer is added, it is mainly about the from the" dormant "wake up.
kerkhoff had a few weeks after the resignation of hiesingers the forecast for the year ending on sunday 2017 / 18 evaporation. problem child is currently the division industrial solutions with the equipment and the marinesparte. the steel business in a joint venture with tata steel, though. it could then partially to the stock market. as a potential candidate for a sale of materials, on the already klöco shown an interest. the marinesparte with the u - bootbau is no longer seen as sacrosanct. pearl of the group is the aufzugssparte. here in the past, the finnish rival kone knock.