siemens's 2900, 700 in berlin
siemens builds 2900 jobs in the medium term, in order to save eur 270 million. in berlin's dynamowerk in siemensstadt 430 of 800 and the gasturbinenwerk in moabit around 270 jobs. they work in production about 2400 and turbinenservice further 1400 persons. despite the job losses annotated works councils and ig metall, the corporate governance agreement with benevolence. redundancies and site closures, it will not be here, and the downsizing is not so great as originally planned.
ceo joe kaeser had in november 2017 in eastern germany in particular horror and outrage provoked by the announcement that works in goerlitz and leipzig, and the dynamowerk in berlin siemensstadt close or sell to. a total of 3400 jobs in germany in the fields of energy and technology are deleted. in may there was a first date with bestandsgarantien for all sites. on the basis of corporate governance and the general works council agreed on details now a balance of interests and plan, in the next few years will be implemented.
in berlin, there are 11000 arbeitsplätz
in berlin, where the group was founded in 1847, 11000 people work for siemens. the gas turbine and the dynamowerk in berlin as well as the factory for large steam turbines in business are particularly affected by structural changes in the market, "said siemens on monday. because of the direction of renewable energy revolution have pressure and competition, "increased dramatically, so that significant overcapacity and high fixed costs'. therefore the works order. global center of excellence for large gas turbines is reported to berlin. business center of excellence for large steam turbines and is also specialized to the production of large electric motors.
in berlin dynamowerk the engineering activities "and there is a focus on innovation issues such as 3d wickelkopfdruck, hv sprühisolierung and phasenwechselkühlung". so far in siemensstadt produced small generators will be manufactured in thuringia.
michael muller's tailwind for berlin siemens plans
the siemens dynamo and gasturbinenwerk in berlin on a future and are an important part of the sites of berlin ", said the mayor michael muller. he was at an early stage and also for siemens to advertising that berlin, with its scientific and research community, but also the many start-ups and innovative companies in the location where industry sustainable development.
"in our discussions with siemens for a new innovationscampus in siemensstadt means the agreement between siemens and ig metall further impetus. the decision shows that siemens, trade unions, workers, and the berlin policy together much for the location. siemens and berlin belong together. for this, we will continue to work on together, "said miller of the region.
new investitionscampus in dynamowerk
both for the dynamo as well as the gasturbinenwerk comes the innovationscampus is considered, the siemens for around 60 million euros to establish. for both sites, we can through the combination of siemens with senate, universities and research institutions planned innovation important impetus for the future development of jobs, "said mr abel, ig metall - chief in berlin, the region. the competence of the gasturbinenwerkes as an integrated sales, development, service and production site for gas turbines is developed ", enjoyed the trade unionists.
in the frankfurt ig metall - central, it was for the first time, it is on this scale have a company wide restrukturierungskonzept to significantly change and viable options in a global society. " the siemens betriebsratschefin and deputy chairman of birgit steinborn appeals to corporate governance, a „masterplan energy "to develop and the forces together with science, business, politics, trade unions and works councils bünd a "to secure jobs.
goerlitz remains
after konzernangaben have in recent months, the market forecasts in the energy sector continued to deteriorate. in addition to the global saving through the posts and reductions in the amount of eur 500 million is the company also to structural changes and new opportunities for some of the sites, "said director of personnel janina bullet. therefore, the location and will stay more to world headquarters for the industriedampfturbinengeschäft expanded.
nevertheless, the 950 jobs in goerlitz 170. in muelheim ruhr tells the group about 600 are deleted and in erfurt, where future small generators are produced, 200. further affected from dismantling offenbach (370 jobs) and (500) and duisburg (220). the plant in leipzig, siemens will sell. (徳囯ASK电容器)